
Ever wondered what to do with all those beloved t-shirts? Well I am currently working on this cool project for a twenty-something client. She has a variety of shirts from her accomplishments that I am going to “weave” into a quilt.

My first step was to cut out the design areas – some shirts we are using both fronts and backs and others just the front design. This picture shows the designs cut out.

This is the leftovers – I think they might make some good rags 😉
I will keep you posted as we go!

2 Responses to Upcycle!

  1. jlk June 15, 2011 at 9:20 am #

    I’m working on a t-shirt quilt for my husband, too. They are such a fun way to keep memories.

  2. donnaleeq June 15, 2011 at 7:19 pm #

    Wow, you have your work cut out for you. It looks like you are making good progress though. You are right the left overs will make good rags, unless they want the back.

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