treehouse backpack + winner

hello Friday!

Sneaky peek of my #wippost on the blog today. @sweetwaterfabric @modafabrics #treehousefabric happy Wednesday!

Sneaky peek of my #wippost on the blog today. @sweetwaterfabric @modafabrics #treehousefabric happy Wednesday!

if you remember…I shared about a project last week using Sweetwater’s new Treehouse fabric here
treehouse backpack
so I have two units…
one with squares and one with strips…
I quilted them…
treehouse backpack
and made them into a cute drawstring backpack…
treehouse backpack
I used this fun yellow chevron for the lining…
treehouse backpack
I really like how it turned out…
treehouse backpack
two different sides makes it extra fun!

Enjoying #cedartime #mimilovescedar #sellmannsgowest #summer2016fun☀️ happy Wednesday evening

Enjoying #cedartime #mimilovescedar #sellmannsgowest #summer2016fun☀️ happy Wednesday evening

and it is for this little guy….
Happy 1st Birthday Cedar!

since this is a finish….I am linking up with Sarah and the Fort Worth Fabric Studio….

and the winner of the fabric scrap giveaway is…
Lisa Marie!! congratulations!!
I am emailing you…

Happy Sewing!

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3 Responses to treehouse backpack + winner

  1. Christine Sherman August 5, 2016 at 2:22 pm #

    Very cute use of Treehouse Club!

  2. Colleen August 6, 2016 at 7:22 am #

    nice finish, love those fabrics !

  3. Sarah Craig August 7, 2016 at 4:23 pm #

    That’s a great backpack – and a good idea to make it two-sided! Whoop whoop for a fabulous finish!

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