
Tag Archives | savannah fabric

finished baby quilt

finished another baby quilt

hello Monday! so I finally finished sewing my baby animal quilt top together…I was really happy with how it turned out! I decided due to my time constraints to quilt this project myself….using my wavy lines…wasn’t too sure about it at this point….but just kept going… and ta-dah!!! oh I love it so!! so, so […]

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baby quilt project

working on something new…

hello Thursday! so my college kids asked if I had a baby quilt we could give one of their trainers who recently had a baby… so I pulled back out these blocks I had made awhile ago and then let them sit… so here is my top ready for quilting…I really like how it turned […]

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sewing once again

hello Monday! well….slowly but surely I am finding my new normal… our summer was full to brim with three of my four kids home and then taking my two college-age kids to college and enjoying a lovely family vacation….now we have one left at home… so this weekend, I pulled back out my baby quilt […]

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savannah quilt top

savannah quilt top

hello Monday! so this is where I last left you with my Savannah quilt project…. I finished sewing the blocks into a quilt top….but…. I decided to add some borders to make this a bit nicer size…I used wider strips on the sides than the top and bottom…now to quilt it…but that is for another […]

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savannah baby quilt project

savannah baby quilt project + giveaway

hello Monday! awhile ago I shared about this adorable savannah baby quilt project… I had asked for ideas on how to use the panel…and y’all came up with some great ones…my favorite was the Irish Chain idea…however the challenge would be the different direction the animals are facing… so I am in the process of […]

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gingiber savannah project

gingiber savannah project + giveaway

hello Monday! so you might remember this panel I recently picked up… I had this coordinating fat eighth bundle in my stash… oh the fun that awaits… trying to decide just how to put this all together… any ideas?? and the giveaway for today….well, it’s a mystery….again… leave a comment if you dare… I will […]

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savannah fabric

gingiber’s savannah + giveaway

hello Monday! and…Happy Labor Day…if you live in the states… birthday gifts from quilty friends…are just the best!! this beautiful package arrived last week from Julie…aka the Intrepid Thread! I am so blessed with amazing friends!! inside was this amazing bundle of Savannah fabric from gingiber!! what a lovely assortment of fabrics… I would love […]

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