sneaky peeks + winner

hello Friday!
blush and bloom
so…I know this photo is a bit fuzzy, but it gives you a sneaky peek of my Blush and Bloom projects for Iza Pearl Design/Melissa Ybarra

On the homestretch #blushandbloom #quiltmarketprep #izapearl #lovemylife #deadlinesarelooming #nowtobind @izapearldesign @windhamfabrics happy Monday!

On the homestretch #blushandbloom #quiltmarketprep #izapearl #lovemylife #deadlinesarelooming #nowtobind @izapearldesign @windhamfabrics happy Monday!

here is another sneaky peek…
blush and bloom
the back of one…
blush and bloom
one side of a pillow cover…
blush and bloom
and the backside of another pillow cover…
I wish I could share more, but I can’t…at least not right now…give me a couple of weeks…until Quilt Market..
and since these are all finished…I am linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts and Confessions of a Fabric Addict

and the winner of this week’s fabric scrap giveaway is….
Teresa!! congratulations!!
I am emailing you!

Happy Sewing!

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One Response to sneaky peeks + winner

  1. Donna October 10, 2015 at 9:40 am #

    Can’t wait to see the ruffles, on WHAT? Fun and interesting treats.

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