quick sewing gifts + winners

hello Friday!
if you are like me…I still have few last minute gifts to sew…
on this last Friday before Christmas…

quick sewing gifts
one of the requests was for some wine bags…
something new!

quick sewing gifts
just incase you didn’t know…pinterest is the bomb!
I found this great tutorial there for making these…

quick sewing gifts
they use a 12 x 16 inch piece of fabric for the outside and then one for the inside…
so these are reversible!

quick sewing gifts
for the tie, I used some of my Moda twill tape…
love it!!

quick sewing gifts
I made five of these…

quick sewing gifts
and then three pairs of mittens too…

now it is your turn…what did you finish??

linking up with Sarah

and the winners are…

congratulations to Lisa Marie!!
the winner of Monday’s giveaway!!
I am emailing you…

and the winner of Wednesday’s giveaway is…Patty!!
I am emailing you…

Happy Sewing!

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4 Responses to quick sewing gifts + winners

  1. Patty December 21, 2018 at 1:21 pm #

    Yay to your last minute gift idea – love the reversing wine bags. A bag to reuse is awesome and looks like a quick project (I’m doing Happy New Year for my team this year rather than Christmas and you helped me lock in the gift). Look forward to the scraps! Happy holidays Brooke!

  2. Needle and Foot December 21, 2018 at 1:30 pm #

    I am finishing up a dress for my grand daughter but luckily won’t see her till the 28th so I have a little time. Hoping to make her a tutu for dress up play if I can squeeze that in too. We’ll see!! You made the mittens??? They are gorgeous!

  3. Anita L Jackson December 21, 2018 at 3:26 pm #

    Awesome Wine bags!! Love it!

  4. Lori Smanski December 21, 2018 at 8:07 pm #

    Pintrest is so cool, right? I created coupons for my mother in law (who wants nothing, she has no want for anything) coupons like: a trip to the arboretum, a trip going miniature golf etc. And I went to pintrest for borders and pictures to go with the phrases. Example: “Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh my” on top and in the middle a picture of a family looking at a tiger in a cage and underneath that “A Trip to Brookfield Zoo. I made 12, one for each month. I hope you finish this weekend and can enjoy the few days before Christmas. Have a safe and wonderful one.

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