hello Friday finishes

happy Friday finishes + winners

hello Friday! welcome to the Friday finishes linky party! first up today… a few weeks ago it was my birthday… my Mom made her and I matching bags! don’t you just love these blue prints!!?? this bag has a sweet opening in the bottom so that you can wash it… with a removable fabric covered […]

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scrap fabric bundles

scrap fabric bundles + giveaway

hello Monday! sometimes…if you are like me, you decide to treat yourself… a few weeks ago…I received a tempting email from I Love Fabric… for these bundles… now to figure out a project… they are so pretty to look at! what would you make?? and the giveaway for today…. spy something fun?? leave me a […]

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farewell summer

farewell summer + giveaway

hello Monday! hello September and the beginning of school for my boys… if you remember from last week…we made a trip back East to help out family… the fun event was to attend a Yankee’s game! there is just something magically about attending a game in person! our nephew works for the Yankee’s and so […]

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friday finishes

Friday finishes + winners

hello Friday! welcome to Finish it up Friday! don’t you just love this project?? Sally, who is one of my readers and winner of one of my giveaways… emailed me this adorable quilt made with pieces she won… isn’t it great??!!! I LOVE seeing what you guys make with fabric you win! this past week […]

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