bright baby boy quilt

bright baby boy quilt + winners

hello Friday! welcome to the Friday finishes linky party too!! today I have some fun to share….so be sure to read all the way through…plus announcing the winners of this week’s giveaways… so let’s get started… I am super excited to say that the Bright Baby Boy quilt is finished!!! this was where I left […]

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work in progress

work in progress linky party + giveaway

hello Wednesday! the state of my cutting table right now… I haven’t had much time for sewing… life can be like that… along with working on projects that aren’t very picture worthy… what do you spy on my table that intrigues you?? looking forward to seeing what you are working on… An InLinkz Link-up linking […]

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finished nautical quilt

finished nautical quilt + winners

hello Friday! welcome to the Friday Finishes linky party! a bit ago…I shared this sneaky peek of the quilting on my nautical quilt… and today I am pleased to say it is finished!! there are just so many things I love about this project… I love the color combinations and how well they played together… […]

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happy Friday finishes

happy Friday finishes + winners

hello Friday! welcome to the Friday finish linky party! recently I shared about some handwork I had since enjoying some studio sewing time… I am making progress with my handwork… each evening I try to bind at least one item… all of these items are currently listed in my etsy shop… some of them are […]

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