binding tips part 3

binding tips part 3 + giveaway

hello Monday! today we are going back to our binding tip series…. I wanted to talk a bit about binding a larger piece… I use 2.5 inch strips and I join them with a diagonal seam to make one long strip…I also press them in half lengthwise before sewing onto the quilted piece… now, as […]

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wild honey top

wild honey top + winners

hello Friday! welcome to the Friday Finishes linky party! so…a bit ago I posted how I picked back up this wild honey project… I decided on making just four of these blocks so the piece could be a table-topper or wall hanging… this green print block is probably my favorite… so any ideas on quilting…or […]

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binding tips part 2

binding tips part 2 + giveaway

hello Monday! today…we are going to continue with our binding tips series… you can read last week’s post here… last week I left you here…sewing binding on a smaller piece… after I have sewed the binding on all around…I stop about a thumb width from the other end…and then trim off any excess… and then […]

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hear pattern testers

hero pattern testers + winners!

hello Friday! welcome to the Friday Finishes linky party! when embarking on pattern writing….pattern testers are invaluable!! when I wrote up the two patterns for my Hero projects – here and here…I was blessed to have Patty, Judy, Jenny and Beth help me out!! Patty actually made up my projects! in fact the reading pillow […]

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wild honey

wild honey – wip linky party! + giveaway

hello Wednesday! still snowing here…how ’bout at your place?? so…this past week I decided to pull these fabrics back out and work on this project… I finished one block…finally!!! and block number two… lovin’ it so far….what do you think?? looking forward to seeing what you are working on… An InLinkz Link-up linking up with […]

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binding tips part 1

binding tips part 1 + giveaway

hello Monday! I received a request to share a few of my binding tips…so today begins a bit of a series…. I am sure to some, these will seem super basic, but I figured to share my process…who knows, you might glean a new hint… I like to join my binding strips on a 45 […]

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