sneaky peek

sneaky peek – wip + giveaway

hello Wednesday! you might remember that next month I am the featured designer for the International Association of Quilters…. I was asked to design a block for their sew along… these are the fabrics I selected… in two weeks, I will be sharing my block here… working on anything fun?? I am currently shortening a […]

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finished Pooh bunting

finished Pooh bunting + winners

hello Friday! so…a few weeks ago…I shared about making a Pooh bunting… I used some of these pieces of the creme flags… so…since I had a lot of the fun jumbo ric rack, I could space my flags out a bit… and my finish! love this so much…so excited to see it used at the […]

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apple butter centerpiece

apple butter project – wip + giveaway

hello Wednesday! I am working on another fun project using this Tilda apple butter fabric… this project uses 2.5 and 4.5 inch squares…​​​​​​​linking up with Quiltfabrication… so…once again…we are doing a surprise for the giveaway… take your chances and leave a comment… I will announce a winner on Friday… Happy Sewing!

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cutting squares

cutting squares – wip + giveaway

hello Wednesday! shopping in my stash is the bomb! I am currently cutting 3.5 inch squares for the inside of a new super hero cape…should be oh so cute! linking up with Quiltfabrication… and the giveaway… well, it is another surprise as we are on our way home from our Spring Break trip… so leave […]

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spring break

spring break + winners

hello Friday! this year for Spring Break we are changing it up! Eric and I headed out to visit the girls! we are enjoying hanging out…and visiting a possible college for Heidi… I think someone is happy to see his sister… (sorry about the weird direction of the photos….taken on iphones) linking up with Sarah […]

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