confetti dots

confetti dots – wip + giveaway

hello Wednesday! aaahhhh….dots…confetti ombre dots to be exact and in blue and green makes it even better!!! I received an email from Emily Dennis and it featured this fabric in a kit….swooon! I am a sucker for kits! so I jumped in and bought it…now what project to make…I know originally it was for the […]

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building blocks runner

building blocks runner + winners

hello Friday! since we are now at the end of May, I thought it would be fitting to share with you the runner I made using the building blocks pattern I designed for the International Association of Quilters… it has been a super fun experience…and I am grateful for the opportunity… click here to see […]

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long island new york beauty

long island new york beauty – wip + giveaway

hello Wednesday! so here is my pattern for these luscious fabrics…excited to get started and intimidated at the same time…just have to remind myself that you eat an elephant one bite at a time… linking up with Quiltfabrication…. another fun mystery giveaway…leave a comment if you dare… I will announce a winner on Friday… Happy […]

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diving into a new project

diving into a new project + giveaway

hello Monday! and Happy Memorial Day…for those living in the states… so…maybe you are like me…you see a quilt idea and decide you just have to have it…so you purchase the fabric it was made in and the pattern…. but you know it is a project that will take some time…so you set it aside…life […]

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tilda apple butter fabric

winner, winner chicken dinner

hello Friday! I selected this pretty picture so there was some fabric in this post… I have been attending track meets, choir and band concerts… and I have taken on a semi-full time job outside the home… all this to say, I haven’t been sewing as much…and what I have been working on, I can’t […]

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half square project

half square project – wip + giveaway

hello Wednesday! do you ever scroll through instagram looking for inspiration? awhile ago I happened upon this block and immediately put it up on my design wall…and it has been there for quite awhile… I think this will be what I make with the half square triangles I showed last week… what do you think?? […]

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savannah baby quilt project

savannah baby quilt project + giveaway

hello Monday! awhile ago I shared about this adorable savannah baby quilt project… I had asked for ideas on how to use the panel…and y’all came up with some great ones…my favorite was the Irish Chain idea…however the challenge would be the different direction the animals are facing… so I am in the process of […]

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super hero capes

super hero capes + winners

hello Friday! today I am excited to share the finished super hero cape with you…along with a couple more I recently made… here you can see the outside of my cape… with right sides together…and lots of pins! I am ready to sew them together… and my finished inside…I just love how this turned out!! […]

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half square triangles

half square triangles – wip + giveaway

hello Wednesday! I have had this pile of half square triangles sitting in my studio… they are calling me…but what to make?? tell me some of your ideas…​​​​​​​linking up with Quiltfabrication… once again…I am hosting a mystery giveaway… leave a comment to enter…I will announce a winner on Friday… Happy Sewing!

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