origami oasis….oh my!!
this is the next line from Tamara Kate…
love, love this border print too!!
so many cute animals in this line!!
I am beginning to design a project…
what would you make??
here is the giveaway for the week…
spy something fun??
Happy Sewing!
21 Responses to origami oasis + giveaway
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I am interested to see what you come up with. The border print would make a cute valance all by itself. Happy sewing!
I spy red chervon, pink, white, flowers, yellow, green print.
I don’t recognise anything Brooke!
Summer dresses for my granddaughter 🙂
Normally I don’t work with or like large prints but these are really cute. Wouldn’t they make just the cutest pillow cases or a large bricks quilt?
I see some sweet reds and and greens that could come in handy with Christmas coming up!
I spy a tiny bit of that Origami Oasis! And lots of beautiful colors! Thanks.
Wow, the Origami Oasis fabrics are so cute! I hadn’t seen them before. I see a cute flowered piece on the bottom of the giveaway pile. And I know there are hidden treasures in there.
Like your mix of reds and greens. I am making a scrappy star Christmas quilt and those are the shades I’m using. Thanks.
oooh! I’d make some cute throw with those origami prints…I think I even have a paper crane quilt block pattern on pinterest! super cute fabrics.
Love the Origami Oasis! See bits in the scraps too! Yay! Love the flowers in lower right corner too!
I would make a little dress for my granddaughter, Nellie with the border print. I spy some red and white…my favorite.
The first thing that pops into my head is baby quilts but then maybe that is because four of my friends are expecting and I want to make each a quilt!!
I absolutely love the Tamara Kate fabric – it is gorgeous all the colour and fabulous animals – my grandchildren would love it – and so do I. WIth the giveaway fabric I would definitely make a quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
I would definitely make some super cute kid’s pillowcases! 🙂
Obviously there must be a baby quilt or two in all of that gorgeous fabric. Even some bibs would be great as it is amazing for babies and toddlers. The giraffe designs are my favourite.
I spy a big pile of pretty!!
I would make a wall quilt for my little grand-daughter. She is so into jungle animals right now.
I spy some gorgeous red and white print fabric.
What a fun line of fabric!! So many possibilities! I love the reds in the giveaway scraps and the giraffe 🙂 have a good week and thank you!
Very cute fabric, I love that border print! It would be pricey but I think it would make a really cute bedskirt.
Oh, I love these prints! I’m sewing quilts for my grandsons and that’s what I’d make with the fabric!