origami oasis + giveaway

origami oasis
origami oasis….oh my!!
this is the next line from Tamara Kate
origami oasis
love, love this border print too!!
origami oasis
so many cute animals in this line!!
origami oasis
I am beginning to design a project…
what would you make??
here is the giveaway for the week…
spy something fun??
Happy Sewing!

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21 Responses to origami oasis + giveaway

  1. Joy Meetis October 6, 2014 at 8:51 am #

    I am interested to see what you come up with. The border print would make a cute valance all by itself. Happy sewing!

  2. Quilting Tangent October 6, 2014 at 9:23 am #

    I spy red chervon, pink, white, flowers, yellow, green print.

  3. buntyw October 6, 2014 at 10:44 am #

    I don’t recognise anything Brooke!

  4. Carolyn October 6, 2014 at 10:53 am #

    Summer dresses for my granddaughter 🙂

  5. Lea Anne October 6, 2014 at 11:06 am #

    Normally I don’t work with or like large prints but these are really cute. Wouldn’t they make just the cutest pillow cases or a large bricks quilt?

  6. Heather October 6, 2014 at 12:18 pm #

    I see some sweet reds and and greens that could come in handy with Christmas coming up!

  7. Charlotte L October 6, 2014 at 1:50 pm #

    I spy a tiny bit of that Origami Oasis! And lots of beautiful colors! Thanks.

  8. Lisa Marie October 6, 2014 at 3:54 pm #

    Wow, the Origami Oasis fabrics are so cute! I hadn’t seen them before. I see a cute flowered piece on the bottom of the giveaway pile. And I know there are hidden treasures in there.

  9. Mom C October 6, 2014 at 4:09 pm #

    Like your mix of reds and greens. I am making a scrappy star Christmas quilt and those are the shades I’m using. Thanks.

  10. Naomi October 6, 2014 at 4:30 pm #

    oooh! I’d make some cute throw with those origami prints…I think I even have a paper crane quilt block pattern on pinterest! super cute fabrics.

  11. Lori Morton October 6, 2014 at 6:20 pm #

    Love the Origami Oasis! See bits in the scraps too! Yay! Love the flowers in lower right corner too!

  12. kdavis52 (@kdavis52) October 6, 2014 at 6:26 pm #

    I would make a little dress for my granddaughter, Nellie with the border print. I spy some red and white…my favorite.

  13. Michele Timms October 6, 2014 at 8:21 pm #

    The first thing that pops into my head is baby quilts but then maybe that is because four of my friends are expecting and I want to make each a quilt!!

  14. paulineperry65 October 6, 2014 at 11:23 pm #

    I absolutely love the Tamara Kate fabric – it is gorgeous all the colour and fabulous animals – my grandchildren would love it – and so do I. WIth the giveaway fabric I would definitely make a quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.

    perry94022 at hotmail dot com

  15. Teresa W October 6, 2014 at 11:27 pm #

    I would definitely make some super cute kid’s pillowcases! 🙂

  16. Kay October 7, 2014 at 10:10 am #

    Obviously there must be a baby quilt or two in all of that gorgeous fabric. Even some bibs would be great as it is amazing for babies and toddlers. The giraffe designs are my favourite.

  17. Kathleen October 7, 2014 at 12:08 pm #

    I spy a big pile of pretty!!

  18. piroska October 7, 2014 at 1:14 pm #

    I would make a wall quilt for my little grand-daughter. She is so into jungle animals right now.
    I spy some gorgeous red and white print fabric.

  19. Lee October 7, 2014 at 8:15 pm #

    What a fun line of fabric!! So many possibilities! I love the reds in the giveaway scraps and the giraffe 🙂 have a good week and thank you!

  20. mskhofhinn October 8, 2014 at 3:56 pm #

    Very cute fabric, I love that border print! It would be pricey but I think it would make a really cute bedskirt.

  21. minibea12 October 10, 2014 at 10:29 pm #

    Oh, I love these prints! I’m sewing quilts for my grandsons and that’s what I’d make with the fabric!

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