New Baby!

Well not a real baby, but a new baby to me! A “new” sewing machine – a BERNINA!!! So there is quite a tale of woe around this baby’s arrival. My previous sewing machine (that I loved to death – literally!!) about 10 days ago finally died – sob, sob, sob! It was stitching so well even up to the end. Well the sticker shock of a new machine prompted me to do additional research. I found this baby on ebay for half the price of the new Bernina I had looked at. It is about 4 years old, but looks great and purrrs like a kitten! I was blessed with an older Pfaff from my Mom several years ago. Thankfully I was able to have it fill in until this new machine arrived. It is amazing how challenging the transition is at times to move into a different sewing machine.
Hope all your Christmas projects are done – mine are not, but all are mailed out that need to be ;). Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas celebration!

One Response to New Baby!

  1. donnaleeq December 23, 2010 at 9:15 am #

    Such a pretty baby, a hopefully well behaved. Very happy to hear a good outcome, on such a stressful event. Happy sewing, I love my Bernina babies and know you will love yours.

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