modern waves finish + winners

hello Friday!
I am super excited to share this finish with you!!
modern waves
remember this quilt??
you can read this post
modern waves bonnie camille
last week, I picked up these quilts from the quilter…
why is it I love quilts so much more when they are quilted than just tops??
modern waves
I trimmed and sewed binding on this lovely…
modern waves
and here is my finish!
you can click here to see more photos…

and since this is a finish…
I am linking up with Sarah, Amanda and the Fort Worth Fabric Studio

and the winner of the fabric scraps is…
I am emailing you!

and the winner of the fabric charms and pattern is…
I am emailing you!

Happy Sewing!

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5 Responses to modern waves finish + winners

  1. Amanda June 10, 2016 at 12:49 pm #

    Love the blue binding on the modern waves quilt. So pretty!

  2. maartjequilt June 10, 2016 at 3:30 pm #

    This is amazing. I love the fabrics and design. The quilter did a great job. Congrats with this finish!!
    I can enjoy a top when it is finished, but a quilt is so much more!!

  3. Patti A. June 10, 2016 at 4:01 pm #

    Love the baby quilt. You really nailed it with the binding. Always looking for patterns for baby quilts.

  4. Gemini Jen NZ June 10, 2016 at 10:55 pm #

    Very pretty colour/fabric choices – it looks awesome!

  5. Kay June 14, 2016 at 2:48 pm #

    I really don’t enjoy the quilting part. I have to do it myself because of costs but haven’t dared to do anything beyond straight lines yet.

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