market tour finish + winners

hello Friday!
ready to wrap up this Spring Market tour with a huge splash of inspiration??
I hope so!
spring market
such a great place to continue our tour…
what is your favorite thing pictured??
spring market
love this new line by Heather Jones
spring market
I bet you have already seen this picture??
spring market
such amazing inspiration….
spring market
what inspires you??
spring market
spring market
love Carina Gardner’s trailer!
spring market
great details!
spring market
adorable items here!
spring market
Amy Butler’s…always a go to!
spring market
and we will finish our tour here…
so..what caught your eye…
see any new trends??

and since these are finishes…I am linking up with AmandaSarah and the Fort Worth Fabric Studio

and the winner of these goodies is…
I am emailing you…

and the winner of the fabric scrap giveaway is…
I am emailing you!

Happy Sewing!

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6 Responses to market tour finish + winners

  1. linda May 27, 2016 at 12:27 pm #

    I’m so sad I didn’t get to go. Thanks for sharing your pictures. I’m just in awe with the talent of these quilters, and you know they’ve had a crazy last few months to get their booths together. The random fish is pretty cool. Do you think that was appliquéd?

  2. quiltpaintcreate May 27, 2016 at 5:11 pm #

    Looks like a fun time. Love the fish quilt, so different from other patterns.

  3. Mina May 27, 2016 at 9:35 pm #

    I love all your photos, especially the scrappy fish

  4. Patti A. May 27, 2016 at 9:39 pm #

    Oh for crying out loud, just realized I never thanked you for my winnings last week. I have been finishing up my grandson’s graduation quilt and helping my daughter get ready for the party tomorrow and it just slipped my mind. So sorry about that. The larger piece, reminds my of French General fabric that I made my granddaughter’s graduation quilt out of a few years ago. Thanks again.
    I loved the paintbox section at market.

  5. Warm Quilts May 29, 2016 at 4:00 pm #

    Great photos of the creative booths filled with inspiration. Thanks for sharing with us!

  6. Susan D May 30, 2016 at 10:38 pm #

    Great pictures (as always) but I wish you had posted a close up of the “my quilt over the chair” from a few days ago 🙂 and any other items that you made which were in someone’s booth. Good for you!

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