
I’m A Part!

Okay, so you saw the cute button on the right of my blog??? Well….here is the rest of the story. About a month ago Amanda from The Quilted Fish, whose blog I follow, put out a call for interested gals to be apart of her new Design Team. I decided that it sounded interesting and what did I have to lose? On New Years Day, I received an email saying that I made the TEAM!!!! Can you imagine my excitement not to mention the smile on my face from ear to ear!!!!!!!! So I am one of nine other gals from all over the world who will work together using Amanda’s fabrics. We will also guest blog on her blog too. Amazing!! So you can meet the rest of the team by clicking here. I am super excited to be apart of this new adventure! Wahooooo!
Now back to the photo on this post. We did indeed get snow over the weekend – about 10 inches to be exact! So I thought this cute Winter is Colorful runner worked well here. To see more pictures, click here. Happy Wednesday!

7 Responses to I’m A Part!

  1. Sarah @ The Bird's Papaya January 12, 2011 at 10:06 am #

    wow! that’s awesome! congratulations. Can’t wait to see what the design team comes up with!!

  2. jlk January 12, 2011 at 11:52 am #

    10 inches would shut school down for a week here!

  3. Mama Pea January 12, 2011 at 1:42 pm #

    So fun to be on the team with you! I like your table runner photo on this page!

  4. Susan January 12, 2011 at 9:13 pm #

    Congratulations!!! I’m so proud of you. Your creative abilities will enhance the group, and you’ll have an adventure at the same time. Good for you!! Love you lots, Mom

  5. Jewel January 13, 2011 at 7:47 am #

    Cute runner! 10 inches… and I was complaining about having to scrape the window LOL

  6. donnaleeq January 13, 2011 at 10:21 am #

    Always knew you were so very talented, now the whole world will get to see your wonderful talent.

  7. The Capps January 14, 2011 at 10:31 pm #

    You are so lucky to be able to be on the fabric team! I look forward to seeing your projects.
    I just love Riley Blake fabrics. I have this christmas fabric but not sure what I’m going to do with it. Your runner is great!

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