
handpicked blue and green cork bag + winners

hello Friday!

handpicked blue and green cork bag
so about a week ago I decided to make another bag…

handpicked blue and green cork bag
after trying several different combinations…
I ended up with one side being these fabrics…

handpicked blue and green cork bag
and this is the other side…

handpicked blue and green cork bag
of course I added cork to the bottom and for the handles…

handpicked blue and green cork bag
I did make this one a bit taller…
and it has the same fun zippered pocked in the lining…
click here to see more pictures…

since this is a finish…I am linking up with Sarah, Amanda and Myra

now for some winners…

the winner of Monday’s giveaway is…Carol!!
I am emailing you…

and the winner of Wednesday’s giveaway is…Janna!!
I am emailing you…

I wish you all a wonderful Easter…
and Happy Sewing!

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3 Responses to handpicked blue and green cork bag + winners

  1. Lori Smanski March 30, 2018 at 8:36 am #

    what a pretty and springy bag. hope you have a fabulous Easter weekend

  2. Anorina Morris (SameliasMum) March 30, 2018 at 9:45 pm #

    Your new bag looks great. Love the cork bottom

  3. Carol DeLater March 31, 2018 at 8:40 am #

    I’m a proud winner!! Thank you. I like this bag a lot. I have not tried stitching with the cork fabric but I’m going to try it. I like the way it looks with these fabrics.
    xx, Carol

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