daisy chain pillow cover

hello Monday!

IAQ designer of the month block

so you might remember this project from my IAQ project.

daisy chain pillow cover

this week my MIL asked for a pillow cover for a friend’s birthday…well, this block has been on my design wall…I thought this would make a great cheery pillow cover for a January birthday!

daisy chain pillow cover

I added a zipper to the bottom…something I love to do with pillow covers…love the daisy print for the back…

daisy chain pillow cover

so once I put the zipper in the bottom…I sew the top seam first and then the side seams….

daisy chain pillow cover

and ta-dah!! the finished pillow cover!

I personally love this quick finish – a win – win – used a cute block that has been sitting and turned it into a super cute project!!

Happy Sewing!

ps – please excuse the poor light in these photos…sewing in the evening is just how life goes sometimes…. 🙂

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3 Responses to daisy chain pillow cover

  1. Little Quiltsong January 6, 2020 at 6:09 am #

    Lovely and cheerful! You are so quick. Wonderful gift of love. This gives me an idea for two of my orphan blocks :)!

  2. Lori Smanski January 6, 2020 at 8:02 am #

    HAPPY NEW YEAR. This is a wonderful idea for an orphan block. I think I will go and look and see what I have in my pile of blocks. Thank you for sharing your idea. I love the zipper on the bottom also.

  3. tarnia January 7, 2020 at 12:48 pm #

    Happy New Year. Yes, sewing in the evening, while cooking dinner…whenever we find time sometimes. But, we do find time in the end.

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