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and then there were four

and then there were four

hello Tuesday! well…slowly but surely I am adding to my bright courthouse steps blocks… I managed to squeeze in some sewing time over the weekend to complete the next two… I really like just making two at a time…not too overwhelming and fun too! so early in the mornings, my hubby and I get up […]

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finishing another caterpillar

finishing another caterpillar

Hello Monday! so…remember a bit ago I shared about this quilt top?? originally I planned on taking it to my long-arm quilter….but after my success with quilting my other caterpillar quilt…I was motivated to give this a try. I figured the worst that could happen is that I would have to do some un-sewing… I […]

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finished caterpillar

finished caterpillar

hello Monday! since this fun-loving caterpillar quilt has been gifted and received….I can share the finish! I have to say that I am encouraged….my quilting turned out great…and I am pleased with the finish! I may do it again… a label seals the deal! so happy to say this quilt was made using fabrics I […]

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finishing one caterpillar

finishing one caterpillar

hello Monday! in the past few weeks I decided to tackle quilting one of my caterpillar quilts on my home machine…. it actually turned out better than I thought it would….so I am glad I pushed through and quilted it! I am a sucker for stripe binding….this piece was apart of the brown bear fabric […]

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playing around

playing around

hello Monday! this week I spent a bit of time doing some quilting on this tablerunner… so I decided to use a method I learned a long time ago in an Alex Anderson class. I did some basic lines to divide the piece into sections…and then do something different in each section…. this is where […]

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two caterpillar

two caterpillar

hello Monday! so for my next caterpillar quilt variation…I cut larger blocks of the caterpillar fabric to alternate with four-patch blocks where I cut up some of the many different hungry caterpillar fabrics I have collected…. I used my “solid” pieces for half of the four-patches and the prints for the other half… so, so […]

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savannah quilt

baby animals finish

hello Monday! so…you might remember this quilt top from long ago…I have been waiting to have the quilt finished so it could be gifted… one of my nieces gave birth to a little girl recently, so this adorable quilt went to be loved!! I added a little label before sending it to its new home… […]

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one caterpillar

one caterpillar

hello Monday! today I am sharing one of my caterpillar quit tops… this fabric is just so adorable and gives me all sorts of warm fuzzies when sewing with it!! so in the first set of caterpillar quilts that I made a very long time ago…there was this awesome food print… I decided that sometimes […]

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courthouse mistake

courthouse mistake

hello Monday! so these were my next round of courthouse blocks done in Holiday by Alison Glass… notice anything amiss? at first I was so frustrated with myself! I almost decided to unsew them all, but decided to make lemonaide instead…. so here is my way to make these into something fun…a runner in a […]

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