black and white plus finish + winners

hello Friday!
last day of school for my kids today…
summer mayhem begins!!

Some #blackabdwhiteplus sewing today @simplesimonandco great tutorial! Happy Monday!

Some #blackabdwhiteplus sewing today @simplesimonandco great tutorial! Happy Monday!

so this is where I left you on this black and white plus quilt…
you can read this post
black and white plus quilt
here is my finished quilt top…
my borders are wider than the original tutorial called for…
black white plus quilt
I decided to quilt this myself with simple diagonal lines..
like my ruler??
black white plus quilt
I marked my lines with a chalk tool…
how do you mark lines??
black white plus quilt
and my quilting is done…
what do you think??
black white plus quilt
and finished!!
black white plus quilt
love, love, love it!!

and since this is a finish…
I am linking up with Sarah, Amanda and Fort Worth Fabric Studio

and the winner of the scrap giveaway is…
Darlene!! congratulations!!
I am emailing you…

and the winner of the patterns and charms is…
Pam S.!! congratulations!!
I am emailing you…

Happy Sewing!

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5 Responses to black and white plus finish + winners

  1. Christine Sherman June 3, 2016 at 11:40 am #

    It looks great!

  2. Paige June 3, 2016 at 3:23 pm #

    Love a plus sign quilt, especially black and white!

  3. Cecelia Lusty June 4, 2016 at 1:54 am #

    A beautiful quilt a plus quilt is on my bucket list

  4. Mary Marcotte June 4, 2016 at 9:33 am #

    Now that’s one striking quilt! Love your quilting, Brooke.

  5. buntyw June 4, 2016 at 12:46 pm #

    Love your plus quilt!

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