baby quilt love and a winner

happy Friday!
let’s begin by announcing the winner of these yummy fabric scraps….
congratulations to Ourbusylittlebunch!! I am emailing you….
baby levi
so remember the baby quilt finish from last week??
well…here is my new great-nephew!!
isn’t he adorable??!!
so fun making baby quilts for new members in the family!!
life in the jungle
finished this baby quilt too this week….
life in the jungle
love the panel in this quilt…
do you like using panels??
be sure to check back here Monday for an awesome giveaway….
Happy Sewing!

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3 Responses to baby quilt love and a winner

  1. Kay September 26, 2014 at 5:04 pm #

    These are great quilts. I do like using panels too, you can get a really quick finish with them and sometimes you do need a fast gift. I made baby quilt earlier this year with a Beatrix potter Peter Rabbit panel and made a matching cushion too. x

  2. Kathleen September 27, 2014 at 11:27 am #

    Oh Brooke, that baby quilt is just beautiful, especially with a baby on it 🙂
    Can I ask you what the finished size of this quilt is? I’m currently doing a paper pieced quilt for my anxiously awaited granddaughter. I can’t decide if I need to add a border to make it bigger or if it’s okay as is. It’s going to be about 30×40 as it stands now, without borders.

  3. Lea September 28, 2014 at 4:52 pm #

    Awww, how precious he is on his quilt. The quilt is cute and cheerful.

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