As I promised I have listed some new projects on my etsy shop! Here are some pictures. One is called Fresh Vanilla. I have used it as a wedding gift. The other is a Baby quilt with adorable blessings around the animals. For more info be sure to check out my shop! (Oh and by […]
Author Archive | Brooke Sellmann
Finished Quilts
As I promised, I have photos to share of some finished projects I picked up over the weekend. I thought you would enjoy seeing this photo of the quilt for my daughter’s maid of honor in her wedding. More will be coming this week. Be watching.
Long and Skinny!
A new Long and Skinny runner for the friends who are hosting my niece’s dinner reception! This is Wedding Weekend for my niece. Remember the fun bright colored runners – well the wedding is this weekend! I decided on Monday ( I probably should have my brain examined!!) to make this cute runner as a […]
Ready, Set…..
I just had to share the finished quilt top with borders! Ashley and I made what I think is a great decision on borders based on the fabric I had on hand. So now the top is complete and will travel with me to the quilter later this week. One big project crossed off my […]
Labeled Wrap!
I thought you might like to see the It’s A Wrap with a label!
It’s a Wrap!
Last week I saw these cute coffee wraps on Sweetwater’s blog and they were offering a kit, so I bought one. Oh my goodness are these cute. They also provided labels, but I like the plain ones I made too. I have posted two of them for sale in my etsy shop if you are […]
Two New Runners!!!
Here are some new runners that are being added to my shop today! I thought you might enjoy the variation I did on the Skinny Authentic Table Runner. I decided to try out a Skinny Table Runner in the Make Life fabric line. I like them both – they each have a distinct look. So […]
Well I did it!!! If you follow me on twitter, you know that I decided to tackle a big project this weekend. If you recall I posted in one of my first posts about a LARGE table runner I was making for dear friends of my Brother’s family. It has been hanging in my studio […]
Skinny Authentic Table Runner
Remember when my Mom was here and we went shopping? Well at the Quilted Moose, Deb mentioned something about an idea a customer had using this butterfly fabric from MoMo with greens from Sweetwater. That idea got me thinking and I couldn’t let the idea go. Well I found the butterfly fabric at Cosmic Cow […]
Turtle Update….
If you remember I posted a bit ago about a Turtle Quilt I am working on. Well the border blocks required 240 half-square triangles – now that is A LOT of triangles!!!! Well I thought you would like to know those are done and just yesterday I began piecing the border blocks. Be watching for […]