So what do you think of this project now? I love the background piece and how it reminds me of starry nights in the outdoors! I am hoping to work on the lake for this project this week. Stay tuned for more updates!We had college graduations for our daughter and son-in-law – hooray!!!!! It was […]
Author Archive | Brooke Sellmann
Trees for Camp
I promised to share more of the project for Camp Luther fundraiser. Before we moved, I had time to sew. Even though these photos are in the reverse order – I thought you might enjoy seeing how these 3-D trees are pieced. The end result really came out nicely!! It is always rewarding when a […]
Can’t Wait!!
When I saw this fun kit, I just couldn’t pass it up!!! Precut pieces from The Quilted Fish’s Sugar and Spice line, my mind was racing with ideas!! 😉 I have several projects in mind that I plan to use these pieces in. Of course if you could see the state of my studio, then […]
This is the view of my studio the past two days!!! The movers arrived, packed and loaded most all of our belongings!! Can’t believe the day is here already!!! We should be on our way and into our new home in Minnesota this weekend!! Hang on for the ride!!!!!!!!
Love Hooty Hoot!!
I just LOVE this fabric line!! Working with it brings a smile to my face! This is a custom project that I was finally able to complete last weekend. I just had to share it with you as it has already been shipped out.On the homefront – the movers are coming this morning to begin […]
Life is Sweet!
So if you remember from Friday’s post, I had this project in process. Over the weekend I finished it up and then gave it as a gift last night. Connie and her family welcomed us when we arrived in Nebraska and has supported my etsy shop since its inception. She celebrates a milestone birthday after […]
On the Wall
So today I thought I would branch out a bit and show you what is currently on my design wall. Admist the relocation process, I have found a bit of time to sew. So let’s begin the tour – the upper left are green rectangles for the “trees” in the Camp Wall Hanging piece. Then […]
To Market, To Market
So these cuties are in the mail and off to debut at Spring Market!!! I am still pinching myself that something of mine will actually be present at Market even though I will not 🙁 !!I must once again echo the sentiments of others – Sugar and Spice fabric is sooooo wonderful to work with!!!! […]
Red and White
Do you love the trims in this picture?? I do!!! I can hardly wait to play around with this pom pom fringe – it is huge!!I received these in the mail over the weekend from the Quilted Fish. What would you do with these??
This is one of my ongoing projects. Did you guess that the fabric was Pure from Sweetwater? I am planning a lap size quilt with these blocks. I think I only need a couple more. Once I have the top together, I promise another post.Hope you all enjoy a wonderful Easter weekend! We have Gramma […]