another origami oasis finish + winner

hello Friday!
let’s begin by announcing the winner of the fabric scraps giveaway….
congratulations to Dandi D!! I am emailing you….
origami oasis
remember this origami oasis baby quilt??
click here to read more….
origami oasis
and remember I was making some bumper pads??
see my post here….
origami oasis
so today I am sharing the finish!! hooray!!
I decided to sew binding similar to the charity quilts I did…to add durability
origami oasis
and they are finished!!
I must say that I really love how they turned out! so refreshing when a project turns out better than expected!
pattern testing
I also wanted to share this fun centerpiece Sandie did while pattern testing for me….
remember the color theory project??
a big thanks to Sandie and Judy for pattern testing for me!
I keep a list of possible pattern testers….so leave me a comment if you would like to be included!
linking up with crazy mom quilts for Finish it up Friday!
Happy Sewing!

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5 Responses to another origami oasis finish + winner

  1. Stephie February 20, 2015 at 11:07 am #

    Congratulations of your finish! What lovely prints for a baby to look at 🙂

  2. buntyw February 20, 2015 at 3:49 pm #

    Congratulations to Dandi !!

  3. Carie February 21, 2015 at 1:39 am #

    Oh I love your fabric, especially the giraffe – aren’t they just so much fun!

  4. Racine linville February 23, 2015 at 12:13 am #

    Super cute fabric- congrats on the finish! I am a quilter, and have made shop samples. Curious – what do pattern testers do? Could be fun!

  5. Cary February 23, 2015 at 7:19 am #

    I?’ve done a bit of pattern testing, and would love to be on your list.

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