
Well I did it!!!  If you follow me on twitter, you know that I decided to tackle a big project this weekend.  If you recall I posted in one of my first posts about a LARGE table runner I was making for dear friends of my Brother’s family.  It has been hanging in my studio ready for quilting since around the first of the year.  So….after Mom headed home and my hubby had to work (planting time in the Midwest!) I decided to tackle this project.  I was also motivated by the upcoming California wedding so I could carry to the family rather than mail it!  I knew how I wanted to quilt it – alternating rows of tumbling leaves from Quilting on a Roll and then stippling.  So it is DONE!  I just need to finish hand sewing the binding.  I have 10 days left!  I think I can get it done.

One Response to Accomplished!!!

  1. Susan April 20, 2010 at 11:31 pm #

    This looks super. I know they will love it, and I hope I get to see it in person.

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