1 pouf 2 pouf + winners

hello Friday!
so…today we will wrap up our sewing a pouf series…
pouf sewing
click here to read the previous post in this series…
pictured above…I am sewing sections together…
pouf sewing
so…I would agree with the directions to sew 5 sections together and then sew those three sections into one unit
one tip – do finger pressing rather than an iron..a bit easier to maneuver…
pouf sewing
and tadah!
this is what each top and bottom looks like…
pouf sewing
when sewing the top and bottom together…you will insert a zipper in a portion of the seam…
for stuffing the finished pouf…
farm pouf
so here is the finished medium pouf…
I ended up using a combination of poly pellets and stuffing…
the button is a large 2.5 inch in diameter covered with the blue fabric…

pouf sewing
so…this is the second pouf…in the large size…
after sewing each section together…top stitching helps to hold the seam in place and makes the finish look grand!
farm pouf
and the large pouf finished!
farm pouf
and another view…
sure love these!
what do you think??

so..since this is a finish…I am linking up with SarahAmanda and Zenia….

wing and leaf
the winner of these wing and leaf charms is…
I am emailing you…

and the winner of these fabric scraps is minibea12!!
I am emailing you…

Happy Sewing!

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3 Responses to 1 pouf 2 pouf + winners

  1. Linda April 22, 2016 at 11:40 am #

    Great Poof! Love the detail pictures.

  2. Cecelia Lusty April 23, 2016 at 7:48 am #

    Love your poof what a fun project!

  3. Kathleen April 23, 2016 at 6:49 pm #

    These look so cushy 🙂

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