2018 fun finishes part 2 + winners

hello Friday!
welcome to the Friday Finishes linky party!
and the second part of my 2018 look back…

art caddie
so, if you missed part one…you can find it here

trimming time
a lovely neutral wedding quilt

kinder drops quilt
this fun kinder drop quilt was a break from my normal…which is so fun to do!

more yellowstone
our Yellowstone adventure was such a fun family time!!

Heidi's college quilt
Heidi’s college quilt was a super fun project my Mom and I did together…

finished nautical quilt
my nautical quilt turned out to be one of my favorite finishes…I think mostly because of the quilting!
this quilt now lives with one of my older daughter’s friend…always enjoy knowing quilts are being well loved!

bright baby boy quilt
another baby quilt…this one used a super fun tutorial from Cluck Cluck Sew…I will be making another here soon!

finished Boy Scout quilt
hands down, this boy scout quilt project I did for my brother-in-law would be my nomination for my top finish…
the emotional attachment…and seeing his reaction and hearing the stories as he has shown it..touch my soul!

2 pink bears
these pink memory bears turned into such a fun project!

happy wonder mail
next up would be my Wonder projects that came back home…so honored to be asked to design projects for Carrie Bloomston!!

something I am excited for in the New Year…being a designer for the International Association of Quilters!!
such an honor!

so…what finish jumps out at you…
looking back has shown me that 2018 has truly been a wonderful year..

now I would love to see your finishes…

linking up with Myra

and the winners for this week…

the winner of Monday’s giveaway is…minibea12!!
I am emailing you!

and the winner of Wednesday’s giveaway is…Carol!!
I am emailing you!

Happy Sewing!

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4 Responses to 2018 fun finishes part 2 + winners

  1. Lori Smanski January 4, 2019 at 9:27 am #

    What a fun look back. Thanks for sharing with us all.

  2. Carol DeLater January 5, 2019 at 5:51 am #

    You made a lot of great projects this year. It’s always gratifying to look back and see our accomplishments. Even better when you had fun. Thanks for pulling my name in the give a way. I’m going to have fun with them!!
    xx, Carol

  3. Jacob January 5, 2019 at 7:56 am #

    My favorite is the boy scout quilt. Very cool!

  4. Patti A. January 6, 2019 at 1:54 pm #

    I wish my year had been as productive!!! I love love the bears!

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